2011 Mercury Mariner Hybrid 4WD

The 2011 Mercury Mariner Hybrid 4WD has a MSRP price of $31,865, and has a dealer invoice price of $29,597. Depending on options, this price can be higher. The 4wd model is a suv with a . When determining the price, if you add wheels, rims, stereo, suspension, intake, exhaust, body kit, lowering kit, aftermarket parts, performance parts, headlights, taillights, trim, molding, front lip, rear lip, wing, spoiler or other add ons, the price can go up.
The 4WD is equipped with a standard 2.5-liter, I4, 153-horsepower, hybrid engine that achieves 29-mpg in the city and 27-mpg on the highway. The 2010 Mariner Hybrid is a carryover from 2009.
The 2011 Mariner is a 4-door, 5-passenger sport-utility, available in 6 trims, ranging from the I4 4X2 to the Hybrid 4X4.
Upon introduction, the I4 4X2 is equipped with a standard 2.5-liter, I4, 171-horsepower engine that achieves 21-mpg in the city and 28-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard. The Hybrid 4X4 is equipped with a standard 2.5-liter, I4, 153-horsepower, hybrid engine that achieves 30-mpg in the city and 29-mpg on the highway. A variable speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard. The 2011 Mariner is a carryover from 2010.