Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf test crash first

Two environmentally friendly car the Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf that has been marketed in the United States declared a level of safety at the top (most secure). Pernyataaan was delivered by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, yesterday 4 / 25 after a test crash first with 80 other vehicles.
Pengetesannya method, the car was hit from the front, side, rear, and rollover crash protection. From the evaluation of the first test, it turns out the safety features on both models of cars "green" is the same as they use the gasoline version.

"Although energy at different wheels (with the gasoline version), but the level of safety on the Volt and Leaf equally high when hit,"said Joe Nolan, Head of the IIHS.
Chevrolet Volt is not purely electric car, but carrying a gasoline engine and electric motor. So, the car could travel 56.3 miles using electric power at all content. Gasoline engine is being used when the electric motor batteries run out.
While Leaf Nissan electric car really that hard to believe with a full battery can travel 117.4 km.