Toyota Companies Most Green

Toyota was selected as the company's "greenest" in the world according to Global Green Brands Survey 2011, which made the company the world's leading brand consultancy, Interbrand.
By combining public perceptions about environmental sustainability and efforts of each company to produce environmentally friendly products, Interbrand announces 50 global companies that have a "Green Performance Score" highest in the world. And with the value 64.19, Toyota has topped the list, followed by 3M in second (63.33) and Siemens in the third position (63.08).
The results of a survey conducted in 10 largest markets in the world, namely the United States, Japan, China, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Brazil, Spain, and India show that Toyota is successfully proving the various efforts to preserve the environment, among others, as the company's hybrid technology leader and manufacturing facilities that are environmentally friendly.
"Toyota has become a real example of how the environment is a top priority of management, as well as engage directly with their consumers worldwide through a variety of ways," wrote the official release of the Interbrand.
Other automotive manufacturers present in the list of top 10 Global Brands 2011 Green namely Volkswagen and Honda ranked sixth in the ranking of seven. In a ranking of the top 50 in a row still exists Hyundai (11), BMW (12), Mercedes-Benz (16), and Ford (20).