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Fisker Atlantic: While waiting for a donation

Fisker Atlantic
Fisker Atlantic: While waiting for a donation. The economic crisis has affected one and all so different and in the automotive world have also been differences among manufacturers that have been mismanaged and have been forced to close the doors of their productions have been sold to other more powerful. But other that no one would bet on them but continue to struggle as they can. Fisker Automotive is a California manufacturer of exclusive cars and are having trouble getting produce its new model, the Atlantic. If you do not receive financial aid can not produce it.

Despite the times, very bad for the U.S. Company, has gone ahead with an ambitious project. The Fisker Atlantic is a unique sport, following personal lines away from other sports models we usually see in the United States or on the same continent. When the project began, already known to have financial problems but they had a cushion of public funds to make the project a reality.

The most important feature of this car like the Karma is that it is all electric and is an extra attraction, besides reinforcing the segment. But the bad news has not been slow to reach the manufacturer's premises. Apparently the more than $ 500 million it would receive in order to produce the Atlantic will not stop reaching for now, and apparently never will.

This has been a very big stick for Fisker and it seemed that surrender would end and almost lost a fight, but Californians have surrendered? The truth is that the head and quickly left the manufacturer for support private economic to meet the launch of the Atlantic. Surprisingly Henri Fisker, the company owner has gathered a good number of private capitals but still has $ 180 million to produce the Atlantic.

At first, it was announced the new Fisker Atlantic for next year to mid-market it, but after this, will probably launch postponed mandatory until 2015. No attempt will receive public and private funds until a few months, when we entered in 2013 so for now, the Atlantic is a project that has been stopped, hopefully on time and the donation of 180 million dollars come as soon as they have 400 million.

At the moment the Tesla Roadster, the electric sports car par excellence remains quiet without a strong rival could be the Atlantic, but continue to face renewed its launch in a couple of years, if you really get the money.